Classic tapioca pudding is made with very little hassle in a slow cooker. There is no need to pre-soak small tapioca pearls prior to cooking. Serve warm...
Chia seeds are an extremely versatile food and can be found in bulk food stores. One of the easiest things to make is pudding. This is a very simple and...
This dark chocolate pudding recipe has been in my family for 5-plus generations. I love the fact that I can make something similar to what my great-grandma...
Sugar, cornstarch, milk and unsweetened chocolate are cooked, thickened with egg yolks, cooked some more and then flavored with butter and vanilla before...
The use of short-grain sticky rice (also called glutinous rice for its texture) makes this dish creamy without the need for whole milk, cream, or butter....
A rich, silky homemade chocolate pudding made the same way in our family since the 50's. Cooled pudding will form a dark skin on top, which is our favorite...
If you're looking for a creamy, cinnamony, delicious rice pudding, this ones for you!! It takes a little time, but WEELLLL worth the wait!! Enjoy, and...
My husband's grandmother, Nonnie, used to make her really unique version of Persimmon Pudding every Thanksgiving. When she wasn't able to make it anymore,...
This recipe merges old-fashioned taste with modern technology! Rib sticking, good ol' fashioned rice pudding ready in a fraction of the normal time using...
This is a Quebec recipe. Very simple and easy. You can add nuts if you like. The maple syrup pudding is an 'upgraded' version of poor man's pudding, which...
This pudding is done in a slow cooker, and tastes wonderful after a cold day in the snow, or a long walk on a cold night. Excellent for Christmas Eve....
This recipe is so creamy and delicious, even those who don't like rice pudding will ask for more. A little time consuming, but well worth the effort. Hope...
I have never used this recipe but I recently inherited my grandmother's recipe collection. She cooked desserts for a restaurant in the 30's and later cooked...
This is a quick and easy baked flan recipe that is prepared in the blender. It's great served warm or cold and has a creamy texture like custard. Slice...
A wonderful, very rich pudding recipe that is one of our family's favorites. My husband's grandma makes it every Thanksgiving and Christmas. This delicious...
I have been making creme brulee for my wife for quite some time and one day she asked me, 'Honey, is it possible to make creme brulee out of eggnog? I...
A classic French-Canadian sweet. Along with rice pudding and gelatin, this is one of the most commonly offered desserts in diners. Contrary to the usual...
This recipe was passed down to me from my mother, written by my maternal grandmother. Although we never met, I feel I know her through her hand written...
Delicious baked pudding with maple syrup. Great for that Thanksgiving or Easter feast. Served warm, but also great cold. Great with ice cream or light...